Homophobia Essay

Homophobia is not only the fear of homosexual people, that is, those who have sexual and affective preference for people of the same sex, it is also the hatred embodied in aggressive actions and words that seek to indignify and minorize the other, it is irrational violence to the different, because being different does not make the homosexual person neither dangerous nor harmful; just different. Homophobia misses the opportunity to meet people with different visions, opinions and rationalizations that diverge from the common and show another approach to creativity and human intelligence, so necessary in the complexity of the social realities of the 21st century.
There are people who assure that they are not homophobic and that they respect homosexuals but do not want to see them in public spaces giving expressions of affection and say: "Let them be whatever they are but don't mess with one" "with them from afar" "every who will see what they do with their life and their body but have their spaces, that they do not give shows in public ”Among many other phrases that confirm that they are at peace with God and with the devil. Those attitudes of some people wrap them in a false premise of acceptance, tolerance and respect towards homosexual people, but all this is hidden by homophobia, by fear and disgust of accepting the other, of accepting ways of corporal expression and of different image or that supposedly corrupts with normality in spaces that belong to everyone, the public space. Are homosexuals for being different so dangerous or harmful to society that they should therefore be hated and mocked? What bothers gay people so much about gays? I do not get it.

In all cultures and social classes homosexuality has been documented as a natural behavior in some individuals of the Homo Sapiens species, but religions, rabbis, pastors, politicians, and institutions have demonized people with this condition, arguing that they are unnatural and demonic. , that the human species is going to end. All these lies have cultivated hatred and violence in societies, many homosexual people have been attacked, beaten, insulted, raped, and murdered for misconceptions about them. The question is, who is hurt by homosexuals? Isn't hatred, aggressiveness, mockery and disrespect more harmful?

Various characters in history who contributed to the present of humanity and to the scientific, cultural, artistic development and many more areas; They were homosexual, to name a few: Alan Turing the great mathematician to whom we owe many advances in computing, Freddie Mercury the singer who delighted us with his wonderful music, Oscar Wilde the famous writer, Juan Gabriel the Mexican songwriter, Michel Foucault an important social scientist, and as many others as the philosophers of ancient Greece.
Homophobia is a waste of time, it is absurd and nonsense for the advancement and progress of society, non-homosexual people should not fear about the globalization of homosexuality or the contagion of it since it is not a disease but rather an adaptive manifestation of the evolution of some individuals. For many heterosexuals, gays disgust him for the sexual practices they enjoy, but perhaps, in heterosexual relationships, there is no exchange of body fluids?

The fight for equality and respect for the diversity of gay citizens should be an imperative for all people in society and not only for people with same-sex preferences because the whole of society can benefit from diversity not only sexual but also intellectual and empirical of each citizen to encourage and contribute to social change to improve the world and solve the problems that afflict humanity.

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